You tell ME what YOU think!

Monday, July 18, 2005

As a guy, do you feel pressured by your Yeshiva to stay in learning? As a girl, do you feel pressured by your Bais Yaakov to marry a Kollel guy?


Blogger EN said...

Hi Michelle,
No I do not feel pressured by my yeshivah to stay in learning. I enjoy it. I know it is the right thing for me to do and it is my purpose in life. This does not mean I do not have stress from the long hours in yeshivah. I am pressured by the long hours and I do wish I could jump the boat. Which in some ways I have. Maybe in high school the teachers are more broad in their hashkafa to try to force a person in learning because at that young age a person doesn't have the ability to make chioces for himself because of immaturity and lazyness. But after high school and into beis medrash and kollel there is no one standing over you with a big stick. It is all up to the individual to choose if he want to be a yissachar or zevulan. Everyone must be koveiah etim. But everyone agrees full time learning is not for everyone.There is a certain amount of peer pressure to stay in learning but a true person will get over that nonsense by talking to the right rebbim who have his best intentions at heart. There is no coersion by force such as punishing not to get a good shidduch or something like that. There is only positive reinforcement to appreciate Torah and man's ultimate purpose in this world. A person always has free choice.

8:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think kollel is only for some people, like those who want to do that. For others, it's probably better if they do both working and learning.

9:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon-Are you a boy or girl? If you are a girl it is nice that you have an opinion but I don't think you know what you are talking about.

9:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think that anyone should feel pressured to do anything they don't want too. I went to a bais yaakov and i know that if i told my principal i wanted to marry a boy working and not in lakewood she would not look down on me just because of that. i feel that everyone should just forget about society and do what they want to do. who cares what people think. live your life

3:28 PM

Blogger Karl said...

If you dont feel pressured to do anything, then they havent done their job. (Although often has the opposite affect.)

2nd anon - why do you think the first doesnt know what they are talking about? Their opinion is perfectly valid. (although would be nice if you both picked original names!)

4:10 PM


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