You tell ME what YOU think!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

If everyone else is cheating, is it okay for you to do it too?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely not--in the end everyone will learn who was right and who was wrong.

4:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO!!!! Cheating is not allowed anytime, anywhere, anyplace, no matter who is or isn't doing it. It is pretty sad to see how many people are cheating, and it is a great chilul Hashem. But it is no excuse for anyone else to cheat! Yes, it may be hard if everyone else got the test beforehand etc. and they all have an advantage and will do much better than you who actually had to study, but it doesn't make it any less wrong.

6:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with most of the previous post, but a well-known posek once said that if the professor uses the same test every year, does not collect them afterwards, he has to know that the possibility exists that people will study it, and thus, it is his responsibility to change the exam. So in that scenario, it's muttar.

But again, those exact conditions must exist. If, however, he collects them afterwards to avoid people studying them, and somebody "stole" a copy by not giving it back, then it's 100% assur.

9:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anon #3, its Anon #2 here (are you confused yet, cuz I am!). Actually, I was referring to when people illegally get a hold of a current test before it is given out (i.e. steal it from the teacher's drawer, steal regents before they are given (remember the chemistry fiasco)...) irrespective of its similarity or lack thereof to earlier tests. So, if someone stole the test and gave it out, it does not make it ok for you to use it.

10:56 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

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7:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely not.

As the product of a black-hat yeshiva and a college with many frum people, I find it appalling how common cheating is these days.

It's amazing how a yeshiva guy can spend hours learning bava kamma, bava metzia, etc. and all the dinei mammonos therein, then show up to college that night, and, without batting an eyelash, cheat his way to an A.

I have not heard any gadol or rav discuss this epidemic, which angers me greatly.

perhaps, to be dan l'kaff z'chus, they don't know about the problem. or, they have the attitude that if you're in college and not in kollel, you're a goy.

if we nip this problem in the bud while these guys are young, we'll avoid the eventual chillul hashem of the frum guy on the cover of the NY Post who got busted for money laundering or whatever.

7:53 AM


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