You tell ME what YOU think!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Do you think people would talk less in shul if it wasn't a daily thing?


Blogger Y.Y. said...


8:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My rav says no based on bereishis. Adam had only one commandment - don't eat from the eitz hada'as. He couldn't do it. This shows how strong the yetzer hora could be. So fewer commandments is not the answer. (I also saw this in the name of the Lubavitch Rebbe).

4:31 PM

Blogger CJ Srullowitz said...

I see ppl talking on Yom Kippur too, and they only come in once a year!

How do you maintain three blogs. Geez!

10:15 AM

Blogger anonym00kie said...

if you think people talk a lot in your shuls, try going to shuls where poeple show up once a week to once a year. they have no idea whats going on, cant tell the front from the back of the siddur, if they arent walking in with their car keys and their coffee in their hand (true story), then they are definitely there for the socializing. i wonder if people would talk less if more of the prayer was in a language more people could relate to, if there were less ceremonial rituals, and more meaningful services

7:30 AM


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